
PopulationdensityofJapaneseraccoondogs(rangingfrom0.46to0.86/ha)isgreaterthaninEurope(rangingfrom0.0014to0.048/ha).Thisdisparityis ...,InJapan,theRaccoondogisknownasthetanukiandhasalonghistoryinfolklore.Raccoondogsaretheonlycanidsthathibernate.Raccoondogsareableto ...,TheJapaneseraccoondog(Nyctereutesviverrinus),alsoknownbyitsJapanesenametanuki(Japanese:狸,たぬき),isaspeciesofcanidendemictoJap...

Nyctereutes procyonoides

Population density of Japanese raccoon dogs (ranging from 0.46 to 0.86/ha) is greater than in Europe (ranging from 0.0014 to 0.048/ha). This disparity is ...

Raccoon Dog

In Japan, the Raccoon dog is known as the tanuki and has a long history in folklore. Raccoon dogs are the only canids that hibernate. Raccoon dogs are able to ...

Japanese raccoon dog

The Japanese raccoon dog (Nyctereutes viverrinus), also known by its Japanese name tanuki (Japanese: 狸, たぬき), is a species of canid endemic to Japan.

Common raccoon dog

The similar Japanese raccoon dog (Nyctereutes viverrinus, the tanuki), native to Japan, is the only other living member of the genus Nyctereutes. Other ...

Tanuki Magic

2022年5月27日 — Along with kitsune (Japanese fox), the tanuki (Japanese raccoon dog) is also a strange yokai (Japanese ghost or spirit) famous for its ability ...

Raccoon dog

2024年5月16日 — Most active at night, the raccoon dog is omnivorous and feeds on small animals, fish, vegetation, and carrion. Litters contain 5–12 young, born ...

Raccoon dog

Today, Raccoon Dogs are mainly hunted because they are considered pests. In Japan, legal culling increased from the 1970s to 15,176 animals in 2012. However, ...

Keeping Raccoon Dogs As Pets

Raccoon dogs (also known as a 'tanuki' or a Japanese raccoon dog) aren't raccoons - they're members of the canid (dog) family. They're native to the forests of ...

What Is a Tanuki? 8 Surprising Tanuki Facts

The tanuki is a wild canid species native to Japan that is related to wolves, foxes, and domestic dogs. It's also known as the Japanese raccoon dog ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
